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Here you can order prints, both square and traditional sizes as well as our FRAMED PRINT SPECIALS. All prints are heirloom quality. Framed prints come in a traditional black wood frame with a white mat.
Prices are discounted for DPAC dancers and their families. Prices are good until December 1, 2018.
If you have any questions feel free to call us.
Laurie (805) 471-4774

[email protected]
M.Peeke As seen in DanceLink 1M.Peeke As seen in DanceLink 2M.Peeke As seen in DanceLink 3M.Peeke As seen in DanceLink 4Peeke-5Peeke-6Peeke - 7Peeke-8Peeke-9Peeke-10Peeke-11Peeke-12